South Carolina Woman's Murder Trial Could Have Lasting Affect on Future Actiq Fentanyl Lawsuits

. By Charles Benson

A third-degree murder charge levied at a Browerville woman could have lasting effects on lawsuits related to the sale and distribution of Actiq fentanyl.

Patricia Ann Taylor, 56, is facing murder charges after investigators linked her prescription Fentanyl to the death of 27-year-old Jason Ramsdell, a Fort Ripley man who allegedly purchased the medication from Taylor in February.

Morrison County Sheriff Michel Wetzel told the Brainer Dispatch that the sale and recreational use of prescription drugs is a major problem in law enforcement.

"It's a difficult one to address as well. Prescription pain medications like Fentanyl, Morphine, Vicodin, Percocet and Oxycontin are easy to acquire by simply lying about pain to a doctor," he told the news provider. "The drugs are then resold on the street for up to $100 per dose. Easy access, low price for acquisition, and extremely high profit margin, make it a difficult problem for law enforcement to fix."

If Taylor is found guilty, the precedent will have a profound effect on future litigation related to Fentamyl.

Fentanyl has come under fire in recent years due to problems with Actiq Lollipops, a medical device containing the drug that has been linked to at least 127 deaths and 91 cases of serious side effects ranging from dehydration to serious respiratory problems.

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