Hartz Flea and Tick Drops Blamed for Death of Texas Bulldog

. By Charles Benson

A small claims court has ruled in favor of a 72-year-old Texas man who claims that Hartz flea and tick drops were responsible for the death of his Olde English Bulldog, Diesel.

Frank Bowers, who represented himself in the proceedings, charged that Hartz's products brought on an illness that claimed Diesel's life just over a day after application of the product.

Bowers contacted Hartz customer service professionals who alleged that he had simply misused the product and scoffed at his insistence that the company was financially responsible for the dog's death and veterinary bills.

When the jury announced a unanimous decision in favor of Bowers, he was shocked.

"I just literally went numb," Bowers told ConsumerReports.com. "I caught up with three jurors in the hallway after the hearing. All I said to them was: 'thank you, thank you, thank you.' And they just said: 'we did our job.'"

The case may prove to be a landmark decision that will influence the several lawsuits stemming from Hartz's topical flea and tick medications.

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