
Certegy Check Services, Inc. and Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against the two companies after an employee allegedly stole millions of consumers' personal data and sold it to a third party. The class action lawsuit was filed in federal district court for the Central District of California on behalf of approximately 8.5 million consumers whose data was stolen. The complaint alleges that Certegy and FIS failed to implement and maintain adequate security measures to protect consumers' confidential financial and personal information.

A senior database administrator allegedly misappropriated the confidential information and then sold the data to direct marketing firms and data brokers who may have resold it to others. The lawsuit claims it is a duty of companies to safeguard confidential data of consumers from any sort of breach and alleges Certegy Check Services and Fidelity National Information Services should have immediately informed exposed consumers to direct marketing campaigns and the risk of unauthorized use of their bank accounts and identity theft.

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rejections for credit, many many harassing phone calls and solicitations, etc. after receiving letter from Certegy that an employee had stolen my checking account information that I had recently submitted for a "blockbuster online" membership. They have even made unauthorized "checks" on my account that have then been used to create a negative balance in my checking account. They were NEVER given permission to access my checking account, nor to write "e-checks" for a continuation of a blockbuster online membership, yet when they did debit for an e-check it has caused a series of negative balances and the subsequent closing of my checking account for insufficient funds, which has SERIOUSLY hurt my credit. They then have the nerve to call me from their inside "collection offices", which would seem to be a conflict of interests if one is operating a "check verification" system for outside co.'s...please contact me for specifics, as there are too many details to list!!!!

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