Company: | Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. |
Ticker Symbol: | NASD: CIPHE |
Class Period: | August 8, 2005 to November 16, 2005 |
Date Filed: | Dec-06-05 |
Lead Plaintiff Deadline: | Feb-03-06 |
Court: | Northern District, CA |
Allegations: |
A securities class action was commenced on behalf of shareholders who purchased, converted, exchanged or otherwise acquired the common stock of Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CIPHE) between August 8, 2005 and November 16, 2005, inclusive (the "Class Period").
The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California against defendant Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. and one or more of its officers and/or directors. The action charges that defendants violated federal securities laws by issuing a series of materially false and misleading statements to the market throughout the Class Period, which statements had the effect of artificially inflating the market price of the Company's securities.
If you acquired the securities of the defendants during the Class Period you may, no later than the Lead Plaintiff Deadline shown above, request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff through counsel of your choice. You may also choose to remain an absent class member. A lead plaintiff must meet certain requirements.
At, it is our goal to keep you informed about important legal cases and settlements. We are dedicated to helping you resolve your legal complaints.
The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California against defendant Ciphergen Biosystems, Inc. and one or more of its officers and/or directors. The action charges that defendants violated federal securities laws by issuing a series of materially false and misleading statements to the market throughout the Class Period, which statements had the effect of artificially inflating the market price of the Company's securities.
If you acquired the securities of the defendants during the Class Period you may, no later than the Lead Plaintiff Deadline shown above, request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff through counsel of your choice. You may also choose to remain an absent class member. A lead plaintiff must meet certain requirements.
Register your Securities Complaint
If you have suffered from financial losses, you may qualify for damages or remedies that may be awarded in a possible class action lawsuit. Please fill in our form on the right to submit your complaint and we will have a lawyer review your securities complaint.At, it is our goal to keep you informed about important legal cases and settlements. We are dedicated to helping you resolve your legal complaints.

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