Class Action News

Class Action News

Class Action Legal News articles include legal news and lawsuit information about lawsuits filed, settlements reached and verdicts rendered in class action cases dealing with personal injury, defective products, bad drugs and other consumer law related news issues. Many of these articles include interviews from top legal professionals with guidance on legal recourse options from losses resulting from bad drugs, medical malpractice, investment fraud, personal injury, defective products and negligent employers.

  • Mutual Fund ERISA: Braden vs. Wal-Mart
    Mutual Fund ERISA: Braden vs. Wal-Mart
    April 17, 2008

    Springfield, MO A class action lawsuit filed in late March alleges that Wal-Mart, the giant discount retailer, violated mutual fund ERISA statutes and cost its 401(k) employee plan holders and investors $60 million in unnecessary expenditures by purchasing expensive mutual funds, when cheaper alternatives were available.

  • Self-Employed Programmer Forced to Make Concessions
    Self-Employed Programmer Forced to Make Concessions
    April 16, 2008

    Pleasanton, CA: Lindsey is a self-employed programmer who found his fee suddenly in jeopardy although he had completed more than half the job. The small company that employed him underestimated the hours needed and refused payment for what they perceived as over their budget and over time.

  • Trasylol: "It Shouldn't Have Happened"
    Trasylol: "It Shouldn't Have Happened"
    April 15, 2008

    Melbourne, FL Cecilia F says that until she saw the 60 Minutes segment on Trasylol she had no idea what happened to her mother. Even now she is not positive that her mother was given Trasylol, but, "based on what happened, it certainly seems possible," she says. Like countless other patients, Cecilia's mother developed complications immediately after open heart surgery.

  • Mutual Fund ERISA Lawsuits in the News
    Mutual Fund ERISA Lawsuits in the News
    April 15, 2008

    Dallas, TX More and more frequently, news of mutual fund ERISA lawsuits are making their way into the headlines. Lawsuits are being filed by employees who argue that the assets in their 401(k) plans and other retirement savings plans are being grossly mismanaged by plan fiduciaries. One of the most common complaints is that the fiduciaries are acting in the best interests of the company, rather than in the best interests of plan participants.

  • Trasylol: "What the Hell Did They Give These People?"
    Trasylol: "What the Hell Did They Give These People?"
    April 12, 2008

    Port Lavaca, TX Alice G. says that in the six years since her mother died, her family has struggled to understand what happened. With the recent news about Trasylol, Alice says she may have a better understanding of why her mother died. Although she is not yet positive her mother was given Trasylol during surgery, Alice says that what her mother went through prior to her death sounds a lot like what other patients have experienced.

  • Endoscopy Center: "You Put Your Trust in the Doctor"
    Endoscopy Center: "You Put Your Trust in the Doctor"
    April 6, 2008

    Florence, KY Much like other patients treated at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada, Joe P. has had very stressful days. He was recently informed-- by a letter--that he needed to be treated for HIV and Hepatitis because he had a procedure at the Endoscopy Center. Luckily, Joe's test results came back negative. But, like many people, Joe is upset that he was ever exposed to such diseases.

  • Navigating California Overtime Laws for Computer Professionals
    Navigating California Overtime Laws for Computer Professionals
    April 6, 2008

    Los Angeles, CA: "I can work up to 150 hours a week and still not qualify for overtime pay," says John, a programmer. For the computer professional, California's overtime laws are unique in the country. Complex shifts in regulations reflect a field that continues to define itself and its parameters. That leaves many employees unsure of where they stand.

  • Mutual Fund ERISA Lawsuits: DOL Gets Involved
    Mutual Fund ERISA Lawsuits: DOL Gets Involved
    April 5, 2008

    Washington, DC In a quiet move that many people may not have noticed, the US Department of Labor recently weighed in on the 401(k) lawsuit filed against Deere & Co. The move could have wide-ranging implications for other companies and employees involved in mutual fund ERISA lawsuits.

  • Bear Stearns Sale has Far-Reaching Implications
    Bear Stearns Sale has Far-Reaching Implications
    April 4, 2008

    New York, NY The recent rescue and sale of Bear Stearns has many implications for the economy, for business students and for employees of the company who had invested in Bear Stearns stock. Now, many employees are investigating a possible lawsuit against the company, alleging that fiduciaries knew or should have known about the decline in stock value.

  • Bear Stearns: Stocks Wiped Out
    Bear Stearns: Stocks Wiped Out
    April 3, 2008

    New York, NY Andrew S. is a former employee at Bear Stearns who lost money in the recent sale of Bear Stearns to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Andrew says that he is upset not only at losing money, but that company officials told shareholders that the stocks were fine. He, like many others affected by the sale, is interested in pursuing a lawsuit against Bear Stearns for allowing the situation to become so dire.

  • Mutual Funds and ERISA: Watch for the Signs of Greed
    Mutual Funds and ERISA: Watch for the Signs of Greed
    March 31, 2008

    Manhattan, NY The recent settlement in the New York Life Insurance Co. (NYL) with regard to the alleged mismanagement of pension funds, aptly illustrates what can sometimes happen when investors aren't paying strict attention.

  • Could New Wyeth Layoffs Spell Trouble for Wyeth 401k Members?
    Could New Wyeth Layoffs Spell Trouble for Wyeth 401k Members?
    March 31, 2008

    Trenton, NJ A new round of job cuts at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals announced yesterday adds further impetus for current, or former employees of Wyeth holding retirement funds in a Wyeth Savings Plan or Wyeth Union Savings Plan to investigate the possibility of an ERISA breach.

  • Starbucks Ignores Court Ruling Vows to Appeal
    Starbucks Ignores Court Ruling Vows to Appeal
    March 31, 2008

    Seattle, WA After a court ruling that says Starbucks' tip policy is not fair to its workers and being ordered to pay up to $105 million in penalties to those who were affected in the tip sharing issues, the company is defending its policy. The company feels that their policy of dividing the tips out amongst its workers has been shown in a very unpleasant light.

  • Vytorin and Zetia May Not Work: Cardiologists
    Vytorin and Zetia May Not Work: Cardiologists
    March 31, 2008

    Chicago, IL The message could not have been clearer. At a major cardiology conference Sunday in Chicago, a gathering of 5,000 of the country's leading cardiologists were told unequivocally that cholesterol drugs Vytorin and Zetia should only be used as a therapy of last resort, given the now-widely-held view that the two drugs may not work.

  • Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada: Patients Have Questions
    Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada: Patients Have Questions
    March 29, 2008

    Houston, TX William C. says he was at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada in 2005 for a colonoscopy. He says everything was fine until a few weeks ago, when he saw on the news that the Endoscopy Center was reusing syringes. Like many other patients, William became very concerned that he may have contracted Hepatitis B, C or HIV from the clinic.

  • Cell Phone Termination Fees: "You Want To Pull Your Hair Out"
    Cell Phone Termination Fees: "You Want To Pull Your Hair Out"
    March 29, 2008

    Dallas, TX Douglas M. says that he has finally resolved his complaints with Sprint, but it took a long time, many phone calls and two complaints to the Better Business Bureau before his early termination fees were dropped. He had been with Sprint for many years when his problems started in 2005 and says that he never actually authorized a new plan with his cell phone provider.

  • Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada: "It's Despicable What These Doctors Have Done"
    Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada: "It's Despicable What These Doctors Have Done"
    March 28, 2008

    Cave Junction, OR Lori P. is extremely upset that she was exposed to Hepatits B, C and HIV through procedures performed at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada. Lori has fibromyalgia and post traumatic stress disorder and, during the time she was treated at the Endoscopy Center, had numerous procedures. She says she still cannot believe that her doctors exposed her to such serious diseases.

  • Settlement approved for Unlawful Fees Class Action
    Settlement approved for Unlawful Fees Class Action
    March 26, 2008

    On February 14, 2008, the Middlesex Superior Court approved an Order for Settlement and Final Judgment in the class action case of Rev. H. Bowen Woodruff et al. v. Niles Company, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. 05-03225, which resolved the unlawful charging of finder's fees to Cambridge tenants by an unlicensed real estate agent working for The Niles Company, Inc.

  • Bear Stearns: Personal Fortunes Wiped Out Overnight
    Bear Stearns: Personal Fortunes Wiped Out Overnight
    March 26, 2008

    New York, NY As the bewilderment and disgust over the Bear Stearns debacle washes through Wall Street, it is becoming clear that no one is going to let the firm go for the disparaging price of $2 a share. The current figure bandied about by JP Morgan Chase, the hopeful suitor, is now $10 per share—and that figure might go even higher if rival bidders step up to the plate in an effort to gain control of the beleaguered trader. To be sure, the higher the share price at the time of the sale, the better it will be for Bear Stearns employees who hold company stock in their 401(k) retirement plans.

  • Endoscopy Hepatitis C: Tragic Stories Are Emerging
    Endoscopy Hepatitis C: Tragic Stories Are Emerging
    March 24, 2008

    Las Vegas, NV: Imagine the shock and horror of getting a medical letter addressed to your husband, warning him that he may have contracted hepatitis C from an infected syringe, and recommending he be tested right away.

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