Class Action News

Class Action News

Class Action Legal News articles include legal news and lawsuit information about lawsuits filed, settlements reached and verdicts rendered in class action cases dealing with personal injury, defective products, bad drugs and other consumer law related news issues. Many of these articles include interviews from top legal professionals with guidance on legal recourse options from losses resulting from bad drugs, medical malpractice, investment fraud, personal injury, defective products and negligent employers.

  • Patients Duped by Fraudulent Marketing of Vytorin
    Patients Duped by Fraudulent Marketing of Vytorin
    February 20, 2008

    Atlanta, GA "Vytorin should be accused of fraudulent marketing just on the price alone," says Garry Jones. "And it was marketed as something that it did not do and because of this, I suffered a heart attack."

  • Vytorin doing more Harm than Good
    Vytorin doing more Harm than Good
    February 17, 2008

    Baton Rouge, LA The last thing Denise J. thought about was heart disease when her doctor prescribed Vytorin to lower her cholesterol count. But matters of the heart are as serious as a heart attack. "I was prescribed Vytorin over a year ago and was feeling fine, but now I'm like an old person and I'm only 49 years old," she says. A recent EKG has her worried.

  • Nobel Biocare: When Dental Implants Lose Their Bite...
    Nobel Biocare: When Dental Implants Lose Their Bite...
    February 16, 2008

    Glen Burnie, MD In a case that might rattle your teeth, Nobel Biocare is facing scrutiny after some Nobel Biocare dental implants have begun to fail and loosen after three years.

  • Menu Foods Prohibited from talking with Unrepresented Pet Owners
    Menu Foods Prohibited from talking with Unrepresented Pet Owners
    February 13, 2008

    Woodand, CA Laurie Lunch is frustrated. Not only did vet bills for her cat Doobie set her back $240, she also filled out nine pages of paperwork and sent copies of invoices to Menu Foods for reimbursement -- as claimed on its website. "Guess what -- not a word back, not even an acknowledgement that they received all the paperwork," says Lunch.

  • Toshiba DLP Television Bulbs: "An Inconvenience"
    Toshiba DLP Television Bulbs: "An Inconvenience"
    February 13, 2008

    St. Louis, MO: When Julie B. and her husband purchased their 62-inch Toshiba projection television from a local Best Buy, they thought they were getting a quality product. Unfortunately, in the two-and-a-half years since they made the purchase, they have had to replace the bulb on the television three times. Now, they're left wondering why Toshiba is not replacing the whole television.

  • Early Termination Fees: Contracts Inadvertently Extended
    Early Termination Fees: Contracts Inadvertently Extended
    February 13, 2008

    New York, NY: Despite company promises about prorating cell phone early termination fees, many consumers still report that they are being charged outrageous fees for canceling contracts that they thought had already expired.

  • Both Chinese and American Businesses Indicted for Deadly Pet Food
    Both Chinese and American Businesses Indicted for Deadly Pet Food
    February 11, 2008

    Kansas City, MO: The top executives and their Chinese businesses, along with the owners of a United States company were indicted by a federal grand jury on February 6, 2008. The cases were separate, but related in regards to the role they played in the manufacturing and importing of an ingredient used to make pet food that was tainted. This tainted ingredient resulted in the serious deaths and illnesses of many pets in the US last year.

  • Pet Food Recall Came Too Late for Beloved Dog
    Pet Food Recall Came Too Late for Beloved Dog
    February 10, 2008

    Holbrook, NY Theresa blames finance-driven veterinary hospitals for letting her dog die without treatment because she was short on funds. But she carries heavy guilt over unwittingly feeding her pet the now-recalled Menu pet food that caused his illness.

  • Toshiba DLP Defect: "Toshiba Should Step Up"
    Toshiba DLP Defect: "Toshiba Should Step Up"
    February 9, 2008

    Kimberling City, MO: Christopher M. (not his real name), purchased a 2005 model Toshiba 62 inch DLP television and also convinced his mother and cousin to buy the same model in a smaller size. Now, all three have had to replace the light bulbs in their television sets, and Christopher says he is having even worse problems with his Toshiba television.

  • Vytorin: Not even doing half its Claim
    Vytorin: Not even doing half its Claim
    February 7, 2008

    Pinson, AL "I started taking Vytorin two years ago with the assumption that it would treat two things: good and bad cholesterol," says John Harris. "Now I am finding out about Vytorin's side effects and it doesn't look good."

  • Salmonella Pot Pies: Recalls need better Notice
    Salmonella Pot Pies: Recalls need better Notice
    February 6, 2008

    Irwin, PA Charlene C. put two Banquet chicken pot pies in the oven for dinner--quick and easy. "In the middle of the night I got sick—my stomach was really cramping and I had diarrhea," she says. "I thought it was just a virus. But I was talking to my friend a while later and said I was going to have a banquet pot pie for dinner. 'Did you hear about that recall a while ago?' she asked. I didn't know of any recall!"

  • SunTrust 401k: The Credit Crisis Could Affect You
    SunTrust 401k: The Credit Crisis Could Affect You
    February 4, 2008

    Cincinnati, OH: The trouble with retirement is that you only get one. One retirement, and one chance to save for it. So if the bottom drops out of your retirement portfolio, as may be the case for a lot of SunTrust investors holding SunTrust Banks Inc. 401(k) plans, you may have little opportunity to earn it back.

  • Banquet Salmonella Pot Pies: One Little Girl's Story
    Banquet Salmonella Pot Pies: One Little Girl's Story
    January 30, 2008

    Sauk Rapids, MN: The experience of a Minnesota woman—whose daughter was sickened with salmonella poisoning from Banquet Pot Pies—verifies the foolhardiness of Banquet in assuming that consumers are aware of the power and wattage of their microwaves.

  • Toshiba DLP Television Leaves One Family Feeling Ripped Off
    Toshiba DLP Television Leaves One Family Feeling Ripped Off
    January 29, 2008

    Washington, MI: When John purchased his 44-inch Toshiba DLP TV at the end of 2004, he didn't skimp, but he feels Toshiba skimped on quality with the TV's defective bulb. When he replaced the defective bulb for the second time in three years (the first time was under warranty service), he learned of its astonishing price: more than $500.

  • SunTrust Banks 401(k): Employee Benefits Could be at Risk
    SunTrust Banks 401(k): Employee Benefits Could be at Risk
    January 28, 2008

    Hartford, CT: The recent fears of a looming recession in the US, together with the impact on global markets initiated by the sub-prime mortgage debacle, has brought forward another potential issue surrounding investment performance. This time, it's SunTrust Banks Inc. under the microscope.

  • FDA Panel to Discuss Anemia Drugs
    FDA Panel to Discuss Anemia Drugs
    January 26, 2008

    Rockville, MD: A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel will meet in March to discuss the possibility of restricting sales of drugs including Procrit, Epogen and Aranesp. The drugs are all intended to fight anemia that is caused by chemotherapy; however, their safety has been called into question by recent studies.

  • Cancer Industry Fights To Keep Obscene Profits - Part II
    Cancer Industry Fights To Keep Obscene Profits - Part II
    January 24, 2008

    Washington, DC: Concern about the incentives to overuse injectable cancer drugs, created by the Medicare reimbursement system that paid a markup of 20% to 100%, caused rates to be changed to more closely align with what doctors actually paid for the drugs, and reimbursement is now supposed to amount to only 6% more than the average price paid by all doctors.

  • Cancer Industry Fights To Keep Obscene Profits - Part I
    Cancer Industry Fights To Keep Obscene Profits - Part I
    January 22, 2008

    Wastington, DC: The cancer industry derives most of its profits from chemotherapy. Both the drug companies and the treatment providers profit from the chemotherapy drugs and the medications used to combat the side effects. The obscene profits made off chemotherapy override any incentive to find a cure or better treatments.

  • Anemia Drugs: Safety Concerns Raised, Drug Sales Anemic
    Anemia Drugs: Safety Concerns Raised, Drug Sales Anemic
    January 20, 2008

    Thousand Oaks, CA: A company that manufactures a trio of drugs to combat anemia is suffering anemic symptoms of its own, after two new studies have further clouded the safety and effectiveness of Amgen's anemia drugs.

  • Congressional Committee Investigating Bisphenol A as Hazardous to Infants
    Congressional Committee Investigating Bisphenol A as Hazardous to Infants
    January 19, 2008

    Washington, DC: The Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the head of its Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations are concerned about possible dangers to infants from bisphenol A. Michigan Democratic congressmen John Dingell and Bart Stupak want answers from the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and seven companies that manufacture and package baby formula about the use and safety of bisphenol A in packaging that contains infant formula as well as in plastic nursing bottles.

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