Veggie Booty Recalled for Possible Salmonella Contamination

. By Gordon Gibb

Just when you think you've found a way for your kid to eat their vegetables, along comes news that those veggies could seriously harm your child.

Of course, broccoli and carrots straight up do not pose a health hazard -- as much as your kid might try to convince you otherwise. But Veggie Booty may do just that. The manufactured veggie snacks have been recalled after reports of salmonella poisoning.

Distributed by Robert's American Gourmet Food Inc. out of Sea Cliff, New York, Veggie Booty is a snack made from puffed rice and corn with a vegetable coating, and is sold in all fifty States, as well as Canada. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agency in Atlanta (CDCP) was notified of illness stemming from the consumption of tainted Veggie Booty product in March of this year, and following extensive investigation notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 27th.

Findings indicate the presence of a strain of salmonella known as Salmonellawandsworth, which can wreak havoc with the gastrointestinal system. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. So far, reports have come in from 17 states and the salmonella outbreak, according to the FDA, should be considered ongoing.

Robert's American Gourmet has so far co-operated fully with the investigation, recalling all packages of Veggie Booty, encompassing all expiration dates and all product lots. The snack food is sold in a flexible plastic foil bag in sizes ranging from one-half ounce, to one-ounce and 4-ounce pouches.

Robert's American Gourmet is also recalling, as a precaution, all lots and sizes of its Super Veggie Tings Crunchy Corn Sticks product line. While there have been no reports of illness originating from the latter, the company reveals the same seasoning is used for the production of Veggie Booty.

The FDA acted after receiving more than fifty reports of salmonella poisoning, mostly involving children. Four of those children were hospitalized, and many report eating Veggie Booty prior to becoming sick. The product is a blend of spinach, kale, cabbage, carrots and broccoli.

To date, one lawsuit has been filed, but there may be more forthcoming, including a multi-state class action. On July 2nd it was reported that David and Ashlee Allen of Valparaiso, Indiana filed suit on behalf of their son in U.S. District court in Brooklyn, seeking $75,000 in damages after 18 month-old Xavier became severely ill following ingestion of the Veggie Booty product -- a favourite with children. Almost all of the salmonella poisoning cases involved children under 10 years old, with the majority of those toddlers under 3. Parents have been encouraged to monitor their children closely for any signs of gastric intestinal discomfort, or diarrhea.

Salmonella can be especially dangerous to children, the elderly, or frail individuals with weak immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.

States reporting illnesses include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.

The FDA learned of the outbreak from the CDCP on June 27th and issued an alert for consumers to stop eating and throw out any and all quantities of Robert's American Gourmet Veggie Booty, a day later. On July 2nd an FDA release articulating the precautionary recall of Super Veggie Tings Crunchy Corn Sticks Snack Food was issued, along with a recommendation to, again, dispose of any and all product. The company is offering to reimburse consumers for the Veggie Tings recall, but has not made a similar offer for purchasers of Veggie Booty.

Both products are made by a third-party company, but the manufacturer's name and location have not been released. Robert's American Gourmet has ceased manufacturing, and distribution of both products while investigation continues.

In the meantime, those kids will just have to eat their real vegetables.

Veggie Booty Legal Help

If you or a loved one has suffered damages in this Salmonella case, please contact a lawyer involved in a possible [Veggie Booty Lawsuit] who will review your case at no cost or obligation.