Week Adjourned: 12.4.09

Amazon.com under fire for rounding on time cardsTop Class Actions

Amazon Rounds Out? A lawsuit seeking class action status was filed by a former employee of Amazon.com this week. He’s alleging that Amazon’s warehouse workers across the country have not been properly paid for overtime, including himself, obviously.

Richard Austin worked as a “warehouse associate” (why is everyone an associate today? Is that corporate code for no benefits, no overtime, no complaining…?) at Amazon’s Nevada Distribution Center between September 2008 and August 2009. He claims that warehouse “associates” were required to clock in and out before their scheduled start and end times, and the company then rounded their times to the nearest quarter hour—benefitting the company of course.

And, the lawsuit claims these practices took place in Amazon.com warehouses in Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Wonder how long this one will take. 

Top Settlements

Big Box Retailer Settles Big? This one made headlines all over the place. Wal-Mart agreed this Continue reading “Week Adjourned: 12.4.09”